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A World Without Color

Look for Me Under the Rainbow

January River

Cruel Summer

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

Reviews & Interviews

Writer: Bernard JanBernard Jan

During this week I have been collecting various printed reviews about my books and interviews I gave to a few papers – some of them going back as far as 1993! I am still not done with all of them, but here is the list of what I did yesterday and today. I am happy to say, this is the large majority of them.

For my English-speaking readers I have posted an Editorial Evaluation of Look for Me Under the Rainbow by Ann Austin for Minerva Press. This is, unfortunately, the only review and post I have in English.

Croatian readers are much luckier, so from this weekend they are able to read the following eleven reviews.

For my short novel Potraži me ispod duge (Potraži me ispod duge by Hrvojka Mihanović-Salopek, Zelene novine; “Slon za mladež” by M. J., Večernji list; Tuljani i ekolozi by Željko Kliment, Večernji list; Minijatura čista poput krajobraza by Sunčana Škrinjarić, Školske novine (updated); Zeleno obojene priče by Ivan J. Bošković, Slobodna Dalmacija; Opasnost zvana čovjek by Sanja Jukić, Najljepša priča o životinjama by Marina Tenžera, Nedjeljni Vjesnik; and Očima tuljana by Sonja Homa, Vijenac)

For my novel Priča o Luki (Mladi Orwell by Ivan J. Bošković, Slobodna Dalmacija; U potrazi za prijateljem by Maja Matković, Večernji list; and Priča o Moćnome by Stjepan Hranjec, Kršćanska izvorišta dječje književnosti, Alfa, Zagreb).

Those who are curious to read my interviews in Croatian can look into the Intervju section of my novel Okrutno ljeto (Surfanje na asfaltu by K. Martinović, Feral Tribune; and Sukob zagrebačke kulure i subkulture by Velimir Grgić, Globus) and my short novel Potraži me ispod duge (Knjigom protiv pokolja by Suzana Marjanić, Zarez).

Have fun reading, because I had fun transcribing and posting it online for your reading pleasure. ;)

I would also like to use this opportunity to say something about Miroslav Petković, a skater I remember from a long time ago when we used to meet at Mimara skating ground in Zagreb and with whom I shared space in the article Sukob zagrebačke kulure i subkulture in Globus magazine. Miroslav Petković aka Modul is a renowned street art artist today, so if you like this kind of art please go visit him in his Lapo Lapo studio of street art.


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