Two powerful young women dominate Eliot Peper's mystery thriller Neon Fever Dream. At the heart of Black Rock City, an unbelievable story unfolds between Asha and Lynn. A story of love, friendship, betrayal, espionage, revenge, redemption. As the Burning Man festival approaches its climax, at Sub Rosa—the most exclusive black market gathering in the world—events explode in the huge blast of unexpected revelations, found and lost friends, graphic violence and dead and mutilated bodies, organized crime, undercover investigations and investigative journalism, sweet lies and bitter truth.
Passion and love are the only things Asha and Lynn can hold onto when their world mists with doubts and darkens with clouds of betrayal. But the power of forgiveness is the way and the light as the old truth disappears in the flames of the Burning Man and the new one is born on love, blood and ruin.
Eliot Peper is a proven master of storytelling. Once being seduced by his words, it's hard to tell no to his writing. This is the indie author I will definitely keep my eyes on, with the goal, plan and an easy and pleasurable task for myself to read all of his books one day. I know I won't be disappointed.
Please also read my review of Eliot Peper's tech startup thriller Uncommon Stock: Version 1.0 (The Uncommon Series).