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A World Without Color

Look for Me Under the Rainbow

January River

Cruel Summer

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

I'm Coming Out, will You Support Me?

Writer: Bernard JanBernard Jan

July 1, 2017 is approaching fast, it's almost here!

Which means the pre-order deadline for my e-book A World Without Color on Amazon is closing to its end! Which means, those are the last days when you can pre-order it if you still did not do that. Which means you will finally get your pre-ordered copy and will be able to read it and hopefully enjoy it!

So cool!

But this is not the end, not yet. This is where I need you more than ever. The future and fate of every book and its author depend on you, our faithful reader. Your role is much more important that you think!

It is you who will keep A World Without Color alive. If you want to help me, an author and the publisher, and my first indie book, please read and follow these three easy and simple steps.

If you purchase a copy of my e-book today, you will help enormously with its Amazon rankings. Now it is roller coasting up and down but with enough purchased copies it can improve its ranking and maybe even attracts press, general interest and new readers!

When you read a book, don't just close your reading app but please leave a review. Positive reviews at this early stage are crucial for exposing the book to the new readers, and Amazon will love them too! You don't have to write a one-page review like I do, haha! Two or three encouraging sentences of an honest review will take only a few minutes of your daily schedule but are important recommendation to others to take notice of A World Without Color too.

That being done, please do that one last step and share it with others. Your friends, family members, people you care about or strangers you want to impress. Word of mouth, though sometimes underestimated, still does miracles. If you are not much of a talker, just copy-paste the link to my book on Amazon and add a brief comment above it. Or share the link to my press release on my website. (I will post it on my blog too once both my e-book and paperback are available for purchase.)

I would ask those of you who still prefer to hold a printed copy in their hands instead of reading from a device for a little more patience. My paperback will also be available for purchase in July if everything goes as planned and then you will get to read it. That doesn't mean, though, you cannot spread the word about it now, because time is valuable and each day counts!

Thank you for your kind support and happy reading!


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A World Without Color by Bernard Jan

A World Without Color by Bernard Jan

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