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Thank you for letting me share what I love with you, because there is no greater joy than to share what you love with those who appreciate it.​

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A World Without Color

Look for Me Under the Rainbow

January River

Cruel Summer

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

Writer's pictureBernard Jan

Unexpectedly, My Book Has Already Arrived!

I did not plan on writing this blog post today but thanks to the unexpected gift from CreateSpace I couldn't keep silent and not share my great joy with you!

Twelve days before the estimated delivery date I got the paperback copies of my novella A World Without Color! This is such a surprise because CreateSpace gave me a beautiful gift of TIME for the copies I ordered and paid almost a month ago. Isn't that awesome?!

Have you also ordered a copy of my book for yourself or as a gift for someone else? You can still do that on Amazon or CreateSpace, whichever you prefer.

Since I am in such a good mood now, I want to share with you a short excerpt from my book which hasn't been posted anywhere on the Internet yet.

As if it was encoded in your genes, you hated to travel by car, so we took you only a few times to the unknown environment of our cottage. During the ride, you would take revenge on us by throwing up and doing the big business in the car which prompted us to open the windows in a hurry. You therefore spent most of your time with us in the apartment, showing yourself as a worthy, fearless and skilled hunter, as were your ancestors and brothers. If I recall well, on two occasions Mom had to remove from your little jaws stiff and scared sparrows you caught on the balcony. Your walk on the thin railing, beyond which was a yawning chasm to the concrete courtyard sixty-five feet below, chilled our blood! Even now I’m shaking from the thought of what would have happened if you slipped, and what would be left of you if your twenty-two pounds—what you weighed back then—began to plunge. How many years of life you took from us then, and yet you are the one who is leaving before us all....

If you are also in the mood for giving and sharing, I thank you for purchasing a copy of my book!

But I also thank you for supporting my good friend and indie author Angel Medina. In my October 3rd alert Act For Puerto Rico: Helping One Man Is Like Helping A Whole Nation I asked you to purchase one or more of his books because he was trapped on the island of Puerto Rico devastated by two hurricanes—Irma and Maria. I didn't hear from him, I had no news of him except having the faith that he was all right.

Angel is no longer in Puerto Rico. He had to move to his family in New York City because life in Puerto Rico is still a reality version of a nightmare for people there.

Angel is safe, but he doesn't know when he will return home. He still needs our help. So if you care to purchase one of his books together with mine, I would be very grateful to you. If you cannot afford to buy and read two authors instead of one, then please choose Angel's book. Helping Angel is like helping me, for if it wasn't for Angel there is a great chance I still wouldn't be an indie author and you still wouldn't be able to read A World Without Color.

Thank you for your kindness and generosity!


Cover photo by Zachary Singh; Cover design by Mario Kožar MKM Media

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A World Without Color by Bernard Jan paperback edition

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