With natural disasters, like the disastrous Californian wildfires, devastating our planet continuously and taking animal and human lives and their properties on its path, it is too easy to forget the casualties and aftermath they leave behind.
The devastation of Puerto Rico happened only three months ago, when first Hurricane Irma and then Hurricane Maria ravaged the whole island. Leaving almost all its inhabitants without power and drinking water, the basic means of life and existence.
My friend Angel Ramon Medina, an indie author from Salinas, had to move with his family to their relatives in New York until life got back to normal on his island. On November 30 Angel returned home. Life hasn't gotten back to normal yet, there is still no Internet but at least his phone service works. Things in Salinas are "so so" while the whole of the island is still far from being good and the people and animals in Puerto Rico still need help. They still need the outside world to #ActForPuertoRico.
In the month of celebrating, giving and remembering our friends and loved ones, why not to at least remember if not also help those who we don't know in person but who might need and use our help?
Before he left New York, Angel wrote a touching editorial on his thoughts about going back home to his island Puerto Rico and I invite you all to read it. Hoping none of us will have to go through such life-changing and near-death experience, a little token of support will mean a lot to Angel. And what could be the best way to support him than by purchasing one or more of his books?!
To help Angel Medina please visit his Amazon Author Page or donate through his profile on Patreon.
If you want to make a general donation for the people and animals of Puerto Rico, you can still do so by sending your donations to The Ricky Martin Foundation and PETA's Animal Emergency Fund – Help Animals In Times of Crisis.
Even if you don't have financial means to help our fellow Puerto Ricans, you can still do something by please spreading the word about their plight, struggle, courage and pride. Show them they are not alone this holidays season.
With best wishes and sincere thanks,