I'll put it simple. Look for Me Under the Rainbow FREE DOWNLOAD!
Saturday, June 30, 2018, 12:00 AM PDT to Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 11:59 PM PDT
I won't say it for certain, but this is probably the last free promo in a while of my story of Danny, a curious harp seal pup with soft white fur and black innocent eyes, and Helen, an environmentalist and member of a young activist crew of the Rainbow Warriors, whose mission is to save animals.
This is why I give you four days to download my e-book. Happy reading!
In the brief moment he surfaced, he thought he heard a familiar sound. Rumbling, buzzing, splashing. Dragged under too soon, he could not figure it out.
But he had managed to breathe in some air before it yanked him below the surface again. He began to hallucinate. Images floated in front of his eyes. His mother, his father, Jon, other seals. They all smiled at him. All of them except the human female with golden hair and the sea colored eyes. In hers, this time, he only saw fear.