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A World Without Color

Look for Me Under the Rainbow

January River

Cruel Summer

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

Chasing Votes, Not Rainbows

Writer: Bernard JanBernard Jan

My novella Look for Me Under the Rainbow about the killing of harp seal pups in Canada and the group of environmentalists and activists trying to save them is still competing in two contests.

It would be a great help if you could spread the word because you can only until October 26 vote for the semi-finals of the AUTHORSdb Cover Contest 2018 for Look for Me Under the Rainbow. This is why it needs as many as possible VOTES NOW.

In another TCK Publishing contest for the book of the year, Look for Me Under the Rainbow is on the second place in YA and Middle Grade category. It needs 48 votes to take the leading position! Do you think we can do it together? Can you help Danny become a leader in YA and Middle Grade category? If so, please, tell all your friends to move forward to the page 12 and cast their votes for Look for Me Under the Rainbow! Thanks!


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Look for Me Under the Rainbow by Bernard Jan

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