After connecting with David Capello on Twitter, David offered me to post my website on their links page "Friends and Supporters of The Perfect Pair" which I accepted with gratitude!
David Capello is the stage name of an ex-trainer who worked for an entertainment company in the 1970's in England featured in The Perfect Pair Dolphin Trilogy book expose. While he has several pseudonyms, David Capello is his most popular pseudonym and The Psychic Trainer the most colorful one.
Why have I, as an animal rights advocate, become a friend and supporter of this website? Isn’t it controversial to support the story of a man who have spent his life and career training these magnificent creatures in captivity and for our entertainment?
It would be so if Capello’s story hasn’t been told and written with the goal to expose the truth about cetacean captivity to the public and to help bring down this horrendous industry, as Capello says.
In his concluding passage as guest blogger for Anonymous for Cetaceans, Capello confesses: "As for me, once I'd made my decision to walk away from the aqua-circus, I was never tempted to return, despite a lucrative offer to train Europe's then only captive orca. My reason? I viewed my achievements not with pride, but with shame. Nevertheless, my experiences are now a documented part of dolphinarium history—a tool to shine a light into the sinister and murky world of captive cetaceans."
Visit to read book tasters, see dolphin captivity galleries or learn more about the Japanese dolphin slaughter—the Taiji killing cove.
Find out more about these intelligent and amazing marine creatures and join a global boycott of dolphinaria.
"I once worked for and openly promoted the aqua circus, and my conscience is still paying a terrible price. I implore you not to buy a ticket."—David Capello, Ex-trainer 2018