I have amazing news! Look for Me Under the Rainbow (Potraži me ispod duge in Croatian) continues to be listed as a reading of choice in Croatian elementary schools for seventh graders among 177 other books for sixth to eighth graders like The Little Prince, Diary of Anne Frank, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, The Chronicles of Narnia, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, The Old Man and the Sea, Oliver Twist, The Hobbit, to name just a few! What an honor!
In 2018 I have published the English translation Look for Me Under the Rainbow as eBook and paperback on Amazon, so my English-speaking readers all over the world can read it too.
Please check out why this gentle story of the seal pup Danny, his family, Helen and other young environmentalists and Rainbow Warriors activists whose mission is to save animals from being hunted for their fur is so popular and winning hearts of Croatian teachers and their students!
Buy and read Look for Me Under the Rainbow and leave an honest review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Share your thoughts and tell me what you think of it.
Thank you!
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Source: Večernji list, Idemo u školu, August 2019