Through the maze of lies, betrayal, death, and destruction, young author Michael Evans leads his protagonists on their bloody, long road of survival the apocalypse. Will the family torn by the bugs of suspicion and doubt when Ryder unravels the secrets of his past in front of them reunite and find strength to stick together after their mortal enemies set everything in motion to destroy them, with thousands of mutant animals being their last weapon of choice? On the mission that borders with impossible will they find strength to heal their emotional and physical wounds, forgive, and also save their ten dogs in the process?
Troubled World is the third installment in the World Gone Mad Series in which Michael Evans keeps pushing the limits of his fantastic imagination in bringing new plots, twists and turns, surprises, and challenges before his heroes. Nothing less exciting and adrenaline-packed than Mad World and Cruel World, Troubled World is the book to be devoured in one breath.
My reviews of Mad World and Cruel World.
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